Located in the western most region of Cuba, it is very well known for the high quality of tobacco fields and amazing landscapes. Viñales Valley, with its spectacular Mogotes, very peculiar limestone formations that resemble huge rocks settled down by aliens in the middle of the valley, is located in Sierra de los Organos mountain range in Pinar del Rio province. It was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the category of Cultural Landscape. It treasures a wide variety of botanical species and more than 47 archeological sites, most of them related to aboriginal communities and settlements of African slaves. Our invitation is to explore the most colorful Natural Park of Cuba.
Please it would be very important that you inform us of the size of your luggage and quantity per person. The type of transport we would use depends on this due to the trunk space.
Alternative for this excursion:
If we come from Varadero, we can also do this tour OVERNIGHT. On day one, we can do the day tour and stay in Havana in a nice accommodation, where we can also enjoy the glamorous nightlife of the city and then, with plenty of time, we visit Viñales on day two.
The options listed below could be added to this tour upon your request:
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Nosotros saldríamos desde la habana, y añadiriamos a la excursion en viñales la visita al palenque de los cimarrones tendríamos que pernoctar en Viñales y al día siguiente queríamos ir a cayo jutias y tras el almuerzo regresar a la habana pasando por soroa para ver la cascada… si tienen alguna escursion así, me interesaría saber el precio , gracias
Hola Angeles gracias por contactarnos , para nosotros seria un placer ayudarles a organizar su excurcion. Por favor haganos saber cuantas personas serian . Tambien si tiene what’s app por favor communiquese a traves de este numero + 53 53428561. Gracias